
  Design Data Collection Interpretation&Communication

Study Design such as integrating physical activity and health data into travel surveys.

Survey Design that includes both selecting the best existing survey items and developing new items.

Participant Recruitment using telephone or mail; targeting populations of interest such as neighborhoods identified for re-development.

Survey Data Collection using telephone, mail, or internet.

Accelerometer Data Collection to incorporate what is widely accepted as the gold standard in physical activity measurement using mail delivery and retrieval; maximizing response and minimizing loss.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) assessments of walkability, recreation and food environments

Travel diaries and GPS data collection an improvement over un-validated travel diaries

Inventory of Food Sources or Parks & Recreation Facilities by creating comprehensive databases for your area.

Evaluations of Development and Re-Development

Road or Pedestrian & Biking Projects

Pedestrian & Streetscape Audits

Restaurant & Food Store Audits

Park Audits

Data Management such as scoring accelerometers; creating scales from surveys; and integrating data with multiple sources, including travel surveys.

Data Analysis from simple to sophisticated.

Health Impact Assessments for proposed policies and projects.

Interpretation and Communication of Results participating and helping plan this crucial step; from meetings with community reps to key decision makers to mass media.


We welcome inquiries about how we can work as partners to help your organization become innovators in creating healthier environments for the population of your region. Please explore our products, and contact us today at